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DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2024

JavaScript Yearly Calendar



DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2023

Dependency Links in the Scheduler Component


  • The bubble popover (DayPilot.Bubble) can be displayed on the right side of the source object [API docs]
  • Row header column inline editing supported (Scheduler) [docs]
  • Row header column inline editing supported (Gantt Chart)
  • Set maximum number of concurrent events/lines within a row (Scheduler) [tutorial]
  • Image export customization (Gantt Chart)
  • Calendar zoom support [docs]
  • Angular 16 support
  • Salesforce LWC support
  • Next.js 13 support
  • Date picker responsive mode [docs]
  • Curved links (Scheduler) [docs] [live demo]
  • New onScrollEnd event added to the Scheduler (for dynamic event loading) [API docs]
  • Row header column title bubble (Scheduler) [API docs]
  • Next.js 14 support [tutorial]
  • Angular 17 support
  • Link text supported for FinishToStart event links (Scheduler)
  • React 18 projects generated by UI Builder now use the Hooks API and React 18.2
  • Vue 3 projects generated by UI Builder now use the Composition API and Vue 3.3
  • Resource calendar supports an unlimited timeline on the vertical axis
  • Resource calendar supports additional scale units (Day, Week)
  • Snap-to-grid can be turned off in the Calendar


DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2022

javascript html5 scheduler split resources rows


  • Cell header click event handler - onCellHeaderClick/ed (monthly calendar)
  • Event bar with customizable color (monthly calendar)
  • React 18 support [read more]
  • Rendering React JSX components in Scheduler cells [tutorial]
  • Rendering React JSX components in Calendar cells
  • Rendering React JSX components in Calendar events
  • Rendering React JSX components in Month events
  • Rendering React JSX components in Month cells
  • Disabled cells (Month) [docs] [tutorial]
  • Deactivate drag and drop for all cells in a row (Scheduler)
  • Split resources (Scheduler) [docs]
  • Row header columns of parent resources merged into a single cell by default (Scheduler)
  • Angular 14 support (switched to Ivy; Angular 12+ required) [read more]
  • Custom individual column widths in resources mode (Calendar) [docs]
  • Drag and drop column moving (resource calendar) [docs]
  • Drag and drop column resizing (resource calendar) [docs]
  • Event bubbles supported for Queue events [API docs]
  • Angular 15 support
  • Bubble arrows [API docs]


DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2021

javascript scheduler task queue drag drop


  • SVG symbol icons (in active areas, standard icon set included) [Scheduler: event icons documentationdemo]
  • Scheduler row header width can shrink automatically (rowHeaderWidthAutoFitShrink property)
  • Active areas with visibility: "Visible" supported in all-day events (Calendar).
  • Allow dragging events from Scheduler to a custom target element
  • Sliding indicator of the current time in the time header (Scheduler)
  • Queue component with bi-directional drag and drop support (between Queue and Scheduler) [demo]
  • Keep the same level when dragging Scheduler rows (rowMoveSameLevelOnly property)
  • Angular 12 support
  • Using system fonts in the default themes
  • AutoScroll (Calendar)
  • DayPilot.Modal 3.16.0 [read more]
  • Scheduler Keyboard API [tutorial]
  • JavaScript NPM package [tutorial]
  • Custom drop target for external items (Calendar) [tutorial]
  • Bubble for event groups (Scheduler)
  • Display a specified maximum number of events per cell + expand button (Month) [tutorial]
  • Angular 13 support
  • All event handlers fully typed (TypeScript)


DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2020

html5 javascript scheduler frozen rows


  • Frozen rows (Scheduler) [docsdemo]
  • React JSX support for events - onBeforeEventDomAdd/onBeforeEventDomRemove (Calendar) [tutorial]
  • React JSX support for upper-left corner - onBeforeCornerDomAdd/onBeforeCornerDomRemove (Calendar)
  • Angular 9 support (including Ivy + AOT)
  • Scheduler row sorting customization (onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender event) [tutorial]
  • Navigator RTL support
  • React JSX support for column headers - onBeforeHeaderDomAdd (Calendar)
  • React JSX support for time headers - onBeforeTimeHeaderDomAdd (Calendar)
  • DayPilot.Modal.form() - programmatic modal dialog [tutorial]
  • Active areas for upper-left corner (Scheduler)
  • Row header column hiding (Scheduler) [tutorial]
  • Row header column hiding (Gantt chart) [tutorial]
  • Active areas for event versions (Scheduler)
  • Active areas for event versions (Gantt chart)
  • Multi-range selection API (Scheduler)
  • Angular 10 support
  • Built-in XSS protection (Scheduler) [docs]
  • Built-in XSS protection (Calendar)
  • Built-in XSS protection (Month)
  • Built-in XSS protection (Gantt)
  • Keyboard navigation (Scheduler) [tutorial]
  • Angular 11 support
  • React StrictMode compatibility
  • DayPilot.Modal 3.10.1 integrated [read more]
  • Vue package includes TypeScript definitions
  • Vue 3 support
  • Progressive event rendering (Calendar)


DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2019

javascript scheduler zoom


  • Disabled cells (Calendar) [docsdemo]
  • Scheduler row collapse/expand animation [demo]
  • DayPilot.Month.exportAs(format, options) supports range export [demo]
  • Scheduler zoom [docs]
  • Full support for browser and OS zoom levels (Calendar)
  • Angular 8 support (use UI Builder to generate an Angular 8 project)
  • Dragging files from the desktop to the Scheduler [tutorial]
  • React TypeScript definitions
  • Scheduler event swapping [tutorial]
  • Dragging items from Scheduler events to an external location [tutorial]
  • DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeRowHeaderDomAdd supports React JSX [tutorial]
  • DayPilot.Bubble.onBeforeDomAdd/args.element supports React JSX [tutorial]
  • DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeEventDomAdd/args.element supports React JSX
  • DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeCornerDomAdd supports React JSX
  • Areas: "TouchVisible" visibility added (always visible on devices that don't support hover)
  • DayPilot.Calendar: Event active areas support start/end properties
  • DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeTimeHeaderDomAdd/onBeforeTimeHeaderDomRemove added, with support for React JSX
  • Event/borderColor supports "darker" value (Month, experimental)
  • Scheduler event containers - force events to be displayed at the same position [docsdemo]
  • Row header columns tabular mode (Scheduler) [demo]
  • Row sorting (Scheduler) [docstutorialdemo]
  • Support for forced event line position within a row (Scheduler) [tutorial]
  • Link bubbles (Scheduler) [demo]


DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2018

javascript scheduler grid disabled grid cells



DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 8.4

javascript event calendar time range selecting


  • Calendar client-side export [Live Demo]
  • Month client-side export [Live Demo]
  • Kanban - fixed column width supported [Live Demo]
  • New Calendar time range selection shadow box
  • Calendar time range selecting customization (including start/end indicators)  [Live Demo]
  • An option to display a link outline during event drag and drop in Scheduler
  • Scheduler infinite scrolling [Live Demo]
  • External drag and drop (DayPilot.Month) [Live Demo]
  • Font with common icons
  • Online UI Builder - configure and download a prototype project [read a tutorial]

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 8.3

javascript scheduler skip non business


  • Angular 2 support
  • TypeScript definitions included
  • Event moving excluding business hours (Scheduler)
  • Navigator supports free-hand selection (drag and drop)
  • Scheduler and Gantt can display event/task versions below the current version
  • Active areas supported in Calendar/onBeforeCellRender
  • Angular 2 AOT support
  • Angular 4 support (including AOT)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 8.2

javascript kanban


  • Kanban control
  • Scheduler JPEG export
  • Scheduler PNG export
  • Scheduler SVG export
  • Scheduler printing
  • AngularJS "controller as" syntax support

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 8.1

html5 gantt task versions javascript


  • Task Versions (Gantt)
  • Active Areas for Time Headers (Scheduler)
  • Time-Positioned Active Areas (Scheduler)
  • Active Areas for Grid Cells (Scheduler)
  • Event Versions (Scheduler)
  • Minimal Cell Width in "Auto Cell Width" Mode (Scheduler)
  • Active Areas for Touch Devices (Scheduler)
  • events.load() Helper Method
  • New DayPilot.Date Implementation

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 8.0

html5 scheduler moving multiple events


  • Event Multi-Moving (Scheduler)
  • Time Range Multi-Selecting (Scheduler)
  • Rectangle Event Selecting (Scheduler)
  • CssOnly=false mode not supported anymore
  • Joint events (Scheduler)
  • AngularJS support (Navigator)
  • Rectangle event selecting/row (Scheduler)
  • onTimeRangeSelecting: args.allowed available (Scheduler)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.9

javascript gantt chart


  • New Gantt Chart component
  • Event Overlap Prevention (Scheduler)
  • Progressive Row Rendering (Scheduler)
  • Drag and Drop Row Moving (Scheduler)
  • Concurrent Event Grouping (Scheduler)
  • jQuery Plugin Options (Scheduler)
  • Cell Sweeping Customization (Scheduler)
  • Row Header Scrolling (Scheduler)
  • Date-Only Event End Support (Scheduler)
  • AngularJS Plugin (Scheduler)
  • AngularJS Plugin (Calendar)
  • AngularJS Plugin (Month)
  • Row Header Splitter (Scheduler, Gantt)
  • Row Header Hiding (Scheduler, Gantt)
  • Real-Time BeforeRowHeaderRender Event (Scheduler)
  • Link Position Adjustment (Gantt)
  • Row Creating (Scheduler)
  • Task Creating (Gantt)
  • Row Filtering (Scheduler)
  • Event Filtering (Scheduler)
  • Custom Event Height (Scheduler)
  • Current Time (Calendar)
  • Overlapping Event Lines Compacting (Scheduler)
  • Resource Utilization (Scheduler)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.8

javascript scheduler real time indicator creating


  • Real-Time Moving Position Indicator (Scheduler)
  • EventMoving Event (Scheduler)
  • Real-Time Resizing Position Indicator (Scheduler)
  • EventResizing Event (Scheduler)
  • Real-Time Selection Position Indicator (Scheduler)
  • TimeRangeSelecting Event (Scheduler)
  • Event Deleting (Scheduler)
  • Event Deleting (Event Calendar)
  • Event Deleting (Monthly Event Calendar)
  • Row Double Click (Scheduler)
  • Inline Row Editing (Scheduler)
  • Row Selecting (Scheduler)
  • Windows 8 Touch Support (Calendar)
  • Touch Gesture Customization (Calendar)
  • Custom Touch Drag Handlers (Calendar)
  • External Drag and Drop on Touch Devices (Calendar)
  • External Drag and Drop on Touch Devices (Scheduler)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.7

scheduler default css theme


  • Default CSS Themes
  • Automatic Cell Width (Scheduler)
  • Traditional CSS Themes
  • Default MoveBy Handling Unified
  • Minimal Initialization Code
  • Floating Events (Scheduler)
  • Floating Time Headers (Scheduler)
  • New Default Settings
  • Loading Selected Dimension Properties from CSS
  • Auto-Expanding Tree Nodes on Hover during Drag and Drop Moving (Scheduler)
  • Business Cell Marked with a Special CSS Class (Scheduler)
  • Loading Free/Busy Data (Navigator)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.6

javascript scheduler timeline html5


  • Independent time headers (Scheduler)
  • Custom timeline (Scheduler)
  • Non-linear timeline (Scheduler)
  • Month cell duration (Scheduler)
  • Year cell duration (Scheduler)
  • Grid rendering optimizations (Scheduler)

Release Notes:

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.5

scheduler html5 javascript jquery message


  • DayPilot.Calendar: RTL direction supported.
  • DayPilot.Scheduler: messageBarPosition property added.

Release Notes: 

DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 7.4

event scheduler javascript html5

Release Notes: