DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2024.2.5944

Release date: May 15, 2024


  • AutoScroll supported on touch devices during drag and drop (Calendar)


  • [Gantt] Possibility to update the position of multi-moved tasks in the Gantt chart during drag and drop added (args.multimove in onTaskMoving). (build 5941)


  • [Scheduler] Correctly loading events for rows with no ID in Resources view (Scheduler). Applies to the year view as well. (build 5937)
  • [Gantt] DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoving: additional arguments properly exposed (alt, ctrl, meta, shift, control, allowed, duration, cssClass, html). (build 5940)
  • [Scheduler] Dynamically updating the position of a milestone using args.start in onEventMoving fixed (Scheduler). (build 5941)