DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2020.2.4516

Release date: June 15, 2020


  • [Gantt] Gantt row header padding 2px -> 7px (default CSS theme) (build 4484)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.multirange.get() items have "allowed" property (set to false in case of forbidden overlap with existing events of disabled cells). (build 4488)
  • [Scheduler] If no "display" property is specified for the first column, using the default value even in the Tabular mode (Scheduler). (build 4490)
  • DayPilot.CalendarConfig: allowEventOverlap added (TypeScript) (build 4492)
  • [Scheduler] args.originalEvent added to DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowClick/ed and onRowDoubleClick/ed (build 4505)
  • [Scheduler] Infinite scrolling start position updated before rendering - prevents immediate timeline shift after init (Scheduler). (build 4506)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler time header groups support a timeline shifted using onIncludeTimeCell event. (build 4515)


  • Angular regressions fixed. (build 4489)
  • [Calendar] Initial scrollbar position in calendar/viewType="Resources" in Angular fixed. (build 4502)
  • [Scheduler] Time range selection context menu fixed (Scheduler). (build 4503)
  • [Scheduler] Right-clicking a disabled cell fixed - action is canceled (Scheduler). (build 4504)