Release date: August 1, 2013 (build 1.0.371)

- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Event selecting demo added. (build 357)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Time headers demo added. (build 357)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Separators demo added. (build 358)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Separators API updated (lowecase property names). (build 359)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Demos added - corsshair, weekend highlighting. (build 359)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: CSS themes added to demo. (build 360)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Event active areas demo added. (build 361)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Percent complete, context menu demos added. (build 361)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Demos added - day view, week, resources view, overnight shift. (build 361)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: CSS theme demos added. (build 361)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Localization and lunch break demo. (build 362)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Demos added - crosshair, datepicker, event customization, resource hierarchy, navigator, next/previous buttons. (build 363)
- [Navigator] DayPilot.Calendar: Demos added - crosshair, datepicker, event customization, resource hierarchy, navigator, next/previous buttons. (build 363)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Demos added - event context menu, event selecting. (build 364)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Demos added - event areas, 100% height, 50 colulmns. (build 365)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month: Demos added - date picker, localization, navigator, next/previous, green css theme, transparent css theme, white css theme. (build 366)
- [Navigator] DayPilot.Month: Demos added - date picker, localization, navigator, next/previous, green css theme, transparent css theme, white css theme. (build 366)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: ganttAppendToResources property added. (build 368)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler: Horizontal event moving disabled in Gantt chart mode. (build 369)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month: Demos added - 100% height, event active areas, event customization, event context menu, event selecting, weeks view type. (build 370)