Project Management - JavaScript Gantt

Task Groups

html5 gantt task type group

The Gantt chart can display tasks organized in a hierarchy. The tasks with children will be treated as task groups (see task types). You can let the Gantt chart handle the group size automatically or set manual start and end dates (see task group mode).


html5 gantt task type milestone

Milestone is a special task type that can be used to mark a specific point in time. Read more about milestones.

Percent Complete

html5 gantt task type regular

Tasks and task groups can display the level of completeness using a percentage value. Read more about percent complete.

Task Dependencies (Links)

javascript gantt links task dependencies

The Gantt chart supports task dependencies. Common task links types are supported (Finish-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, Start-to-Start, Start-to-Finish). New links can be created using drag and drop. Read more about task links.