Release date: August 6, 2017 (build 8.4.2954)
- [Month] htmlStart and htmlEnd supported in DayPilot.Month events ( and onBeforeEventRender). (build 2915)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler screen reader experimental support (JAWS, VoiceOver, NVDA). (build 2921)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.onEventMoving added (event moving customization). Supported properties: args.html. (build 2932)
- Using 'HH' and 'H' specifiers (24-hour clock hour) with "tt" (AM/PM) in DayPilot.Date.toString() allowed (it doesn't throw an exception anymore). (build 2936)
- [Calendar] args.cell added to DayPilot.Calendar.onBeforeCellExport event. (build 2936)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month.onBeforeEventExport added. Individual event style detection implemented. (build 2936)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar detects individual cell background color (set using CSS). (build 2936)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month.onBeforeCellExport implemented. (build 2936)
- [Scheduler] Links supported in Scheduler/Angular (config). (build 2942)
- [Scheduler] Angular 2+ two-way syncing improvements (Scheduler). (build 2943)
- [Scheduler] events.removeById(id) added (Scheduler). (build 2948)
- [Scheduler] events.removeByData(), events.updateByData(), events.addByData() in Scheduler. (build 2949)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month.exportAs() respects backColor/fontColor (with higher priority then color detected from CSS). (build 2951)
- [Calendar] args.control added to DayPilot.Calendar.onTimeRangeSelect/ed (args) (build 2952)
- [Calendar] exportAs() added to TypeScript definitions (Calendar, Month, Scheduler). (build 2953)
- [Month] exportAs() added to TypeScript definitions (Calendar, Month, Scheduler). (build 2953)
- [Scheduler] exportAs() added to TypeScript definitions (Calendar, Month, Scheduler). (build 2953)
- [Scheduler] Resource utilization demo fixed (Scheduler) (build 2913)
- daypilot-all.min.d.ts TypeScript semantic errors fixed (build 2914)
- [Scheduler] AngularJS external drag and drop fixed (Scheduler). (build 2918)
- [Calendar] External drag and drop fixed (dragging over scrollbars), additional makeDraggable() properties copied to the event data (Calendar). (build 2920)
- [Scheduler] Event resizing in viewType="Days" mode (timesheet) fixed (Scheduler). (build 2926)
- [Bubble] DayPilot.Calendar resource bubble fixed. (build 2928)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar resource bubble fixed. (build 2928)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler themes fixed (crosshair). (build 2931)
- [Scheduler] IE11 regression fixed - Array.prototype.find() (Scheduler). (build 2934)
- [Scheduler] Image export fixed (Scheduler with "New Row" enabled). (build 2935)