Release date: February 7, 2016 (build 8.2.2051)
Kanban control

Scheduler PNG Client-Side Export
Scheduler SVG Client-Side Export
Scheduler Printing
AngularJS API Improvements (Scheduler)
- "events" attribute can be used instead of "daypilot-events" attribute
- "config" attribute can be used instead of "daypilot-config" attribute
- "publish-as" attribute lets you specify the target variable where the DayPilot.Scheduler instance will be saved
- direct mapping of event handlers using on-* attributes (e.g."on-event-moved"); event handlers specified using attributes are wrapped in an $apply block automatically
- [Scheduler] .update() supports { rowHeaderColumns: [ ... ]} option parameter (Scheduler). (build 1973)
- [Scheduler] args.shift available in onEventClick/onEventClicked (Scheduler). (build 1974)
- [Calendar] Calendar localization demo updated (uses headerDateFormat to display day of the week name). (build 1975)
- [Scheduler] Row selecting demo updated (Scheduler). (build 1978)
- [Navigator] Navigator.autoFocusOnClick added. (build 1980)
- [Navigator] Navigator.weekNumberAlgorithm="Auto" will resolve to "ISO8601" for weekStarts = 1 (otherwise it uses "US"). (build 1990)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler - row moving respects treeEnabled value. (build 2002)
- [Scheduler] Preventing overlap demo - placing the event after at the first available location (Scheduler). (build 2002)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler resource.columns[] supports cssClass and backColor in addition to html. (build 2007)
- [Scheduler] timeRangeRightClickHandling, onTimeRangeRightClick, onTimeRangeRightClicked added (Scheduler). (build 2008)
- [Kanban] Kanban column moving. (build 2011)
- [Kanban] Kanban auto card height. (build 2012)
- [Kanban] Kanban .crosshairColor added. (build 2017)
- [Kanban] Kanban row header width auto-fit works with collapse/expand icon. (build 2018)
- [Kanban] Kanban card height detection improved (images). (build 2019)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Kanban onHeightChanged event added. (build 2020)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler: uiBlock() and uiUnblock() methods added. (build 2022)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler.onGridMouseDown implemented. (build 2025)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler.initEventEnabled (build 2032)
- AngularJS controllerAs example. (build 2032)
- [Scheduler] AngularJS Scheduler directive: events attribute as alias of daypilot-events, config attribute as alias of daypilot-config, publish-as attribute. (build 2034)
- [Scheduler] AngularJS Scheduler - direct mapping of event handlers using attributes, wrapped using $apply (). (build 2036)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/onBeforeTimeHeaderRender supports args.header.cssClass. (build 2039)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler.onRowDoubleClick: args.row replaces args.resource. (build 2040)
- [Kanban] Kanban: onSwimlaneMove, onSwimlaneMoved events added. (build 2040)
- [Gantt] Gantt: Row selection API: .rows.selection.add(), .rows.selection.clear(), .rows.selection.get() (build 2042)
- [Kanban] Kanban: cardAutoHeight, cardHeight, onBeforeCellRender. (build 2046)
- [Scheduler] ResizeStart and ResizeEnd active areas interference fixed (Scheduler). (build 1970)
- [Scheduler] Preventing onEventClick during event resizing - fix (Scheduler). (build 1971)
- [Calendar] Calendar uses locale when applying headerDateFormat - fixed. (build 1974)
- [Calendar] Calendar - changing headerLevels during update fixed. (build 1981)