Release date: July 3, 2015 (build 8.1.1783)

- [Scheduler] args.cell.html value of 0 (number) gets printed (Scheduler). (build 1758)
- [Scheduler] .autoRefreshPause() and .autoRefreshStart() methods added (Scheduler). (build 1760)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Row.parent() method added (Scheduler). (build 1761)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Row.children() method added (Scheduler). (build 1761)
- Active area click made transparent for unspecified area.action. (build 1762)
- [Scheduler] Initial row selecting using .selectedRows property dp.selectedRows = ["A", "B"]; (Scheduler) (build 1764)
- [Gantt] Initial row selecting using .selectedRows property dp.selectedRows = ["A", "B"]; (Gantt) (build 1764)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.message(html, options) - options parameter added, supports "delay" in ms and "cssClass". (build 1771)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventResize supports asynchronous processing (args.async, args.loaded()). (build 1774)
- [Gantt] SyncTasks includes task versions (Gantt). (build 1775)
- [Scheduler] Calling .update() after .dispose() throws an exception with detailed description (Scheduler). (build 1777)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Gantt: linkPointSize property. (build 1777)
- [Gantt] Scheduler/Gantt: linkPointSize property. (build 1777)
- [Scheduler] Event group default CSS fixed (Scheduler). (build 1758)
- [Scheduler] Initial auto cell width calculation used again - required for event group calculation (fixed; Scheduler). (build 1759)
- [Navigator] Initial selection highlighting fixed for week selectMode (Navigator). (build 1763)
- DayPilot.Date.dayOfWeek() and DayPilot.Date.addYears() IE timezone bug fixed. (build 1767)
- [Gantt] Task box moving fixed (with versions) - Gantt. (build 1768)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.showHeader = false mode fixed. (build 1768)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Gantt task/event version positions updated correctly on node toggle. Versions with dates outside of the grid fixed. (build 1770)
- [Gantt] Scheduler/Gantt task/event version positions updated correctly on node toggle. Versions with dates outside of the grid fixed. (build 1770)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month.onBeforeCellRender/args.cell.headerHtml fixed. (build 1776)