Release date: November 24, 2014 (build 7.9.1338)
Row Filtering (Scheduler)

Event Filtering (Scheduler)

Custom Event Height (Scheduler)
Current Time (Calendar)

Overlapping Event Lines Compacting (Scheduler)
Resource Utilization (Scheduler)

- [Calendar] Duration bar color/ bar background color customizable in CssOnly mode. (build 1243)
- [Scheduler] events.filter(), onEventFilter (build 1245)
- [Scheduler] rows.filter(), onRowFilter (build 1246)
- [Gantt] RowMove updates the view for rowMoveHandling = "Update" or "Notify" only. (build 1249)
- [Scheduler] Custom event height for selected rows. (build 1250)
- [Scheduler] .meta key supported in addition to .ctrl (build 1251)
- [Scheduler] args.div available in onEventRightClick/onEventRightClicked. (build 1260)
- [Gantt] rows.expand() and rows.expandAll() optimized. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] rows.expand() and rows.expandAll() optimized. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] args.originalEvent available in onEventClick, onEventClicked. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] args.originalEvent available in onEventRightClick, onEventRightClicked. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] allowDefaultContextMenu (false) - enables default browser context menu (build 1261)
- [Calendar] makeDraggable() allows interaction with <select>, <input> and <textarea> inside the draggable element. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] makeDraggable() allows interaction with <select>, <input> and <textarea> inside the draggable element. (build 1261)
- [Scheduler] eventDoubleClickHandling, rowDoubleClickHandling, timeRangeDoubleClickHandling set to "Disabled" by default. (build 1265)
- [Scheduler] Custom event height implemented. (build 1266)
- [Scheduler] args.originalEvent available in onEventDoubleClick, onEventDoubleClicked. (build 1267)
- [Calendar] showCurrentTime property (build 1270)
- [Calendar] *_now CSS class added. (build 1272)
- [Scheduler] Cells always marked as business for duration > 1 day. (build 1279)
- [Scheduler] eventStackingLineHeight implemented (percentage) (build 1281)
- [Scheduler] event.barImageUrl supported in cssOnly mode. (build 1294)
- [Scheduler] Resource utilization (per cell). (build 1295)
- [Scheduler] selectedRows property (init) (build 1302)
- [Scheduler] onBeforeCellRender: (build 1307)
- [Scheduler] AngularJS demo extended - event handling, scale, selected events (Scheduler). (build 1313)
- [Scheduler] init() optimizations (build 1321)
- [Scheduler] .rows.headerHide(), .rows.headerShow(), .rows.headerToggle() available in Scheduler (build 1330)
- [Scheduler] Resizing columns fixed (negative width not allowed). (build 1243)
- [Scheduler] AutoCellWidth/shortinit fixed (MVC, Java). (build 1254)
- [Scheduler] Clicking a parent row when (treePreventParentUsage = true) fixed. (build 1267)
- [Scheduler] Double click on parent row when (treePreventParentUsage = true} fixed. (build 1269)
- [Scheduler] Row header crosshair fixed for collapsed tree. (build 1280)
- [Scheduler] Row selecting fixed ("uncaught exception: Now row object supplied when creating DayPilot.Row") (build 1284)
- [Calendar] Detecting delayed visibility - fixes initial scrollbar position and vertical scrollbar header. (build 1285)
- [Scheduler] row selection fixed after callback (ASP.NET, MVC, Java). (build 1287)
- [Scheduler] Cell property expanding fixed. (build 1293)
- [Scheduler] Message bar conflict fixed (Calendar, Month, Scheduler) (build 1312)
- [Calendar] Message bar conflict fixed (Calendar, Month, Scheduler) (build 1312)
- [Month] Message bar conflict fixed (Calendar, Month, Scheduler) (build 1312)
- [Month] Message bar popup under mouse cursor fixed (Calendar, Scheduler, Month). (build 1315)
- [Scheduler] Message bar popup under mouse cursor fixed (Calendar, Scheduler, Month). (build 1315)
- [Calendar] Message bar popup under mouse cursor fixed (Calendar, Scheduler, Month). (build 1315)
- [Scheduler] Dynamic event loading fixed (event tops). (build 1319)
- [Month] Client-side update fixed (Month). (build 1320)