Release date: August 11, 2013 (build 7.4.380)

JavaScript Version Features
- Works with any server backend (PHP, Ruby, node.js, Java, ASP.NET...)
- jQuery plugin
- Full CSS styling (themes)
- Scheduler
- Gantt chart
- Event calendar (day, week, month)
- Browser support: Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari
- Doctypes: HTML5, XHTML, HTML 4
- Mobile devices support: Smartphones and tablets with Android, iOS devices - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
API reference
Scheduler Features
- Client-side updates (events, properties, styling)
- Resource hierarchy (tree)
- Dynamic (on-demand) event loading during scrolling
- Gantt view
- Resource columns
- Configurable time scale (cell size from 1 minute to 1 week)
- Localization support (date format, day and month names, first day of week)
- jQuery plugin
- Time cell customization (color, CSS, html)
- Multiple time header levels (grouping by year, month, week, day, hour)
- AJAX operations: drag and drop event moving and resizing, deleting and selecting
- Modal dialog for event editing
- Context menu
- CSS themes
- Customizable timeline (hiding time ranges)
- Crosshair for highlighting current position
- Duration bar
- Percent complete bar
- Event customization (color, CSS class, html)
- 100% height support
Event Calendar Features
- Client-side updates (events, properties, styling)
- Customizable columns
- Columns hierarchy (split columns)
- Localization support (date format, day and month names, first day of week)
- jQuery plugin
- Time cell customization (color, CSS, html)
- AJAX operations: drag and drop event moving and resizing, deleting and selecting
- Modal dialog for event editing
- Context menu
- CSS themes (see also the online theme designer)
- Crosshair for highlighting current position
- Duration bar
- Event customization (color, CSS class, html)
- 100% height support
- Date picker
- Event calendar horizontal scrollbar supported
- Monthly event calendar supports 100% height
- Gantt chart
- Timesheet
- Changing dates using Navigator, next/previous buttons, and date picker
- Context menu
- Event active areas
- Crosshair
- Time headers
- Weekend highlighting
- CSS themes
- Localization
- Lunch breaks
- Gantt
- Timesheet
- 100% height
- Event customization
- Event selecting
- Week view
- Resources view
- Resource hierarchy
- Overnight shift
- Separators
- Percent complete indication
Online Demo
The tutorials use PHP and SQLite database for the backend.