Release date: March 15, 2025
The default value of autoScrollDelay has been changed from 200 to 100, allowing the Scheduler’s autoscroll to trigger sooner.
(build 6424)
The box.textLeft and box.textRight task properties supported in the Gantt Chart.
(build 6425)
DayPilot.Gantt.links.remove(id) supports the id parameter.
(build 6425)
The exceljs property added to TypeScript definitions (Scheduler).
(build 6419)
Frozen header position fixed for Scheduler without row header columns defined (Excel export).
(build 6420)
Width of the first Scheduler row header column fixed (Excel export).
(build 6420)
Possible overflow of the rectangle selection during autoscroll fixed (Scheduler).
(build 6424)