Release date: February 1, 2025
- Angular signals supported (Scheduler, Calendar, Month, Navigator)
DayPilot.Selection.resource is now optional (TypeScript definitions)
(build 6346)
[Scheduler] is now optional (TypeScript definitions)
(build 6346)
DayPilot.ResourceData.end property added (TypeScript definitions)
(build 6346)
[Scheduler] Links between two events in frozen rows supported in the Scheduler (both events must be in the same grid).
(build 6347)
Checking for hoverable device using matchMedia when showing hover active areas disabled.
(build 6372)
Angular: `Cannot read properties of null (reading '$$typeof')` error fixed.
(build 6349)
Dimension calculations take the scrollbar height into account correctly for zoom levels below 50% (Scheduler).
(build 6350)
API Changes
- Angular package requires Angular 16+. This is necessary to allow support for Angular signals. See also compatibility. (build 6368)