Release date: November 15, 2024
- External drag and drop of Scheduler rows (bi-directional) [docs, demo]
- Moving rows/resources between Schedulers [docs, demo]
- Dragging tasks between two Gantt Charts (using row moving) [docs, demo]
- External drag and drop of tasks in the Gantt Chart (bi-directional) [docs, demo]
- [Scheduler] Row disposing fixed for split resources (Scheduler). (build 6248)
- [Gantt] Prevent dragging task boxes between two Gantt charts (invalid operation). (build 6257)
- [Scheduler] Split resource parents were incorrectly using the row properties (defined for the entire row in onBeforeRowHeaderRender using args.row) of the first split child - fixed (Scheduler). (build 6263)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler now selects all rows with ID specified using selectedRows on startup (not just the first matching row). (build 6264)