Release date: December 1, 2023

- Link text supported for FinishToStart event links (Scheduler).
- React 18 projects generated by UI Builder updated to React 18.2, Hooks API.
- Vue 3 projects generated by UI Builder updated to Vue 3.3, Composition API.
The ResizeObserver, used in the Calendar and Scheduler for updating width- and height-related calculations, is debounced to allow smoother resizing. This should also reduce "ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications." errors.
(build 5810)
Custom data object can be passed to resizing event handlers (onEventResizing, onEventResize, onEventResized) from an active area with action: "ResizeStart" or action: "ResizeEnd". It is available as args.areaData in the event handlers (Scheduler).
(build 5811)
Custom color for link dot fixed (Scheduler)
(build 5802)
The calculation of the next cell has been fixed for some edge cases during keyboard navigation, as discussed in forum question 6199 (Scheduler).
(build 5802)
Event HTML should be rendered with higher priority if both html and text are specified - regression fixed (Scheduler).
(build 5807)
The target shadow is fixed when moving multiple milestones in the Scheduler.
(build 5808)