Release date: November 1, 2023

A custom CSS class that is added to links using the cssClass property is now properly applied to curved links in the Scheduler.
(build 5757)
Custom link CSS class applied to the end marker of the link curve as well (Scheduler)
(build 5759)
The full crosshair in the Scheduler allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none).
(build 5763)
The full crosshair in the Calendar allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none).
(build 5763)
A bubble displayed by an active area (action: "Bubble", bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble()) uses the active area rectangle as a reference point when the position property is set to "Above".
(build 5763)
A bubble displayed by an active area respects the showAfter value.
(build 5764)
DayPilot.Bubble: arrowTopIndent (6), arrowLeftIndent (6) properties added
(build 5768)
Behavior of a Scheduler row header active area that shows a bubble fixed: it respects the showAfter value, it respects the position value, immediate hiding fixed
(build 5766)