Release date: September 15, 2023

- Row header column title bubble (Scheduler) [API docs]
Event text wrapping supported during SVG export (Scheduler).
(build 5721)
CalendarBeforeHeaderRenderArgs.column added to TypeScript definitions
(build 5726)
New "edit" SVG symbol icon added to daypilot.svg
(build 5726)
Separator tooltip supported (toolTip proeprty of the separators array) - Scheduler
(build 5727)
Duplicate of the master event removed from onEventMoving/args.multimove (when events are reloaded during moving multiple events) - Scheduler.
(build 5717)
Pressing <enter> when an event is focused (keyboard navigation) fixed in Firefox (Scheduler).
(build 5719)
Occasional corruption of event moving when events are reloaded using onScroll (dynamic loading) during drag and drop - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 5723)
Moving multiple events (event multi-moving) over non-business hours with skipping enabled now correctly calculates the position of additional events (they can't start in non-business segments) and respects the event box offset (Scheduler).
(build 5724)
Broken event click after using an async validation (args.async = true) in onEventMove - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 5728)