Release date: October 15, 2021
Typed SchedulerEventMovingArgs added to TypeScript definitions (Scheduler).
(build 5099)
Clearing the previous shadow link if is null in onEventMoving (Scheduler).
(build 5101)
EventData.line? added to TypeScript definitions
(build 5102)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventMoving fired on shift/ctrl/meta/alt key status change as well
(build 5102)
Restoring the correct "display" style of active areas after floating status removed (fixed).
(build 5103)
Scheduler floating event arrow position fixed.
(build 5104)
AreaData.horizontalAlignment options fixed (TypeScript definitions)
(build 5105)
Active areas with ResizeStart, ResizeEnd, and Move actions fixed (touch devices).
(build 5106)
All verbose-level browser messages about non-passive event listeners removed.
(build 5116)