Release date: November 1, 2020
- [Calendar]
Built-in XSS protection
- [Month] Built-in XSS protection
- [Gantt] Built-in XSS protection
DayPilot.Scheduler.getCoords() supports "event" and "eventOffset" in the returned object.
(build 4718)
DayPilot.Row.cells.all() returns correct cells for frozen rows (Scheduler).
(build 4719)
DayPilot.Scheduler.cells.findXy(x, y, grid) - grid name parameter added (including TypeScript)
(build 4719)
DayPilot.Scheduler.resources[].cellsAutoUpdated (boolean) - refreshes cells after event drag and drop and events.add()/update()/remove() (in any row)
(build 4722)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onAfterEventEditRender event added (experimental).
(build 4729)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventEdit/args.newText can be changed (it used to be read-only).
(build 4730)
DayPilot.Calendar.xssProtection ("Enabled" by default) added
(build 4731)
DayPilot.Calendar.loadingLabelHtml added
(build 4731)
DayPilot.Calendar.cornerText added
(build 4731)
Properties related to XSS protection added to TypeScript (Calendar)
(build 4732)
DayPilot.Month.xssProtection added ("Enabled" by default).
(build 4732)
DayPilot.Month.loadingLabelHtml added
(build 4732)
DayPilot.Gantt.xssProtection, loadingLabelHtml, cornerText.
(build 4733)
Double escaping of event text during inline editing fixed (Scheduler).
(build 4702)
Vertical grid lines updated properly in bottom-frozen rows (Scheduler).
(build 4717)
DayPilot.Scheduler.links.load() and DayPilot.Util.overlaps() TypeScript definitions fixed.
(build 4718)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.find() fixed for frozen rows.
(build 4720)
API Changes
Static DayPilot.Duration initialization methods renamed to avoid confusion: seconds() -> ofSeconds(), minutes() -> ofMinutes(), hours() -> ofHours(), days() -> ofDays(), weeks() -> ofWeeks().
(build 4724)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.message(text, options) escapes the text to be displayed, use options.rawHtml = true to override this behavior. (build 4736)
- [Month] DayPilot.Month.message(text, options) escapes the text to be displayed, use options.rawHtml = true to override this behavior. (build 4736)
- [Gantt] DayPilot.Gantt.message(text, options) escapes the text to be displayed, use options.rawHtml = true to override this behavior. (build 4736)
- XSS protection enabled by default (all components). You can revert the behavior using xssProtection = false (build 4736)