Release date: July 15, 2020
[Scheduler] accepts id as the first parameter (number | string) - in addition to DayPilot.Event object.
(build 4548)
DayPilot.Gantt.onRowCreate/d added to TypeScript definitions.
(build 4549)
DayPilot.Month.eventDeleteHandling added to TypeScript definitions.
(build 4550)
DayPilot.Month.eventHoverHandling added to TypeScript definitions.
(build 4551)
Typed event handler args, in progress (TypeScript definitions).
(build 4552)
Calendar supports = "darker" for regular events (in addition to all-day events).
(build 4557)
Menu and MenuBar default themes use user-select:none to prevent text selection.
(build 4563)
Clearing the event moving source CSS postponed to args.loaded() when async onEventMove is used (Scheduler).
(build 4571)
Calling args.loaded() in onEventResized prevented (Scheduler).
(build 4572)
DayPilot.Http.ajax uses method: "POST" if no method is specified and data parameter is present.
(build 4578)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.load(): success/ can be modified/replaced.
(build 4580)
[Calendar] accepts raw event data object in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 4584)
[Calendar] accepts event id in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 4584)
DayPilot Modal 3.4.2 integrated
(build 4590)
DayPilot.Bubble.hideOnHover added (boolean, default false).
(build 4592)
TypeScript definitions: DayPilot.Bubble constructor uses typed options? parameter (BubbleConfig).
(build 4592)
Opening event context menu from onEventClick on touch devices - coords fixed (Scheduler).
(build 4559)
Target column detection (right edge) fixed (Calendar) - "TypeError: v is undefined".
(build 4560)
Rendering events in rows displayed beyond the current viewport after update fixed (Scheduler, heightSpec: "Max" or "Auto").
(build 4570)
Vertical lines fixed for cellWidthSpec: "Auto" and active rowHeaderWidthAutoFit
(build 4582)
Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 4593)
Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 4593)