Release date: June 15, 2020
Gantt row header padding 2px -> 7px (default CSS theme)
(build 4484)
DayPilot.Scheduler.multirange.get() items have "allowed" property (set to false in case of forbidden overlap with existing events of disabled cells).
(build 4488)
If no "display" property is specified for the first column, using the default value even in the Tabular mode (Scheduler).
(build 4490)
DayPilot.CalendarConfig: allowEventOverlap added (TypeScript)
(build 4492)
args.originalEvent added to DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowClick/ed and onRowDoubleClick/ed
(build 4505)
Infinite scrolling start position updated before rendering - prevents immediate timeline shift after init (Scheduler).
(build 4506)
Scheduler time header groups support a timeline shifted using onIncludeTimeCell event.
(build 4515)
Angular regressions fixed.
(build 4489)
Initial scrollbar position in calendar/viewType="Resources" in Angular fixed.
(build 4502)
Time range selection context menu fixed (Scheduler).
(build 4503)
Right-clicking a disabled cell fixed - action is canceled (Scheduler).
(build 4504)