Release date: March 1, 2020
- Scheduler row sorting customization (onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender event) [tutorial]
Compatibility with shadow DOM.
(build 4262)
Static DayPilot.Menu.hide() method hides the currently-open menu.
(build 4263)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.sortParam property holds the current sort order definition (an object with "field" and "order" properties) - readonly.
(build 4264)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.filterParam property holds the current filter parameter (the value of "param" argument passed to rows.filter(param) method) - readonly.
(build 4264)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowFilter - args.filterParam added as an alias to args.filter
(build 4265)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventFilter - args.filterParam added as an alias to args.filter
(build 4265)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowHeaderResized event.
(build 4266)
If event area top is not specified during image export, top:0 is used (Scheduler).
(build 4268)
Scheduler SVG export - global clip rectangle added.
(build 4269)
Not using xlink namespace for <image> href attribute when exporting SVG ("Namespace prefix xlink for href on image is not defined" error).
(build 4259)
Touch event moving fixed (Scheduler).
(build 4267)
Header crosshair position updated correctly for independent time headers (Scheduler).
(build 4271)
Hiding crosshair on column header hover (Calendar).
(build 4277)
The cssOnly mode console warning removed ("DayPilot: cssOnly = false mode is not supported since DayPilot Pro 8.0.")
(build 4278)
API Changes
The default value of args.async in DayPilot.Scheduler.onScroll is now set to true. This means args.loaded() has to be called to apply the new event set (
(build 4276)