DayPilot Lite for JavaScript 1.3 SP2

Release date: April 19, 2016 (build 1.3.197)

html5 event calendar angularjs javascript open source


  • "publish-as" attribute supports using "controller as" syntax in AngularJS (Calendar, Month)
  • "events" attribute can be used instead of "daypilot-events" attribute in AngularJS (Calendar, Month)
  • "config" attribute can be used instead of "daypilot-config" attribute in AngularJS (Calendar, Month)
  • "on-*" attributes automatically map event handlers which will be wrapped in an $apply() block in AngularJS (Calendar, Month)
  • angularAutoApply property disabled (replaced by direct event mapping using "on-*" attributes
  • DayPilot Modal v2.4 included


  • Hour header offset for startDate with time part fixed (Calendar)
  • businessBeginsHour, businessEndsHour + heightSpec:"BusinessHours" + AngularJS fixed (Calendar)
  • Initial scrollbar position fixed in cases when the Calendar isn't visible during initialization (waitForVisibility).
  • insertRule() Chrome warning fixed